Politics,  Social Media

Trick or “Tweet”! The Scent of Musk And Twitter, Re-imagined

Trick or "Tweet"

Trick or treat… or maybe it’s “tweet”. So, it’s official now, multibillionaire mogul Elon Musk has finally bought Twitter! As the “scent of Musk” starts spreading from a re-imagined Twitter like a Halloween trick, the liberals are experiencing a similar collective head-explosion, not seen since general election day on 2016, when all the snowflakes melted at Hillary Clinton’s dramatic loss to Donald Trump… if only we’d have known back then, how much of a twonk Trump would turn out to be…

But irrespective of the cheers of hurrah from the fake-Republican radical right-wing neo-fascists who call themselves “MAGA Republicans”, the future may actually look bright for Twitter, perhaps for the first time since Jack Dorsey among others, created the platform in 2006.

Leaning Left

It’s no secret that Twitter under Dorsey and his followers (and later Dorsey again) had a definitely noticeable left-wing slant. Rather than maintain the original apparent intention for free and open speech with logical and expected monitoring to limit actual hate speech, we saw particularly from 2015 through 2022, we tended to see a not-always-so-subtle attack on those expressing conservative and/or Judeo-Christian views.

The Internet is filled with stories from this period of time when Tweets from certain conservative people were deleted; some of the “repeat offenders” were suspended, and some banned outright. It also seemed that some Tweets expressing thoughts in line with Judeo-Christian belief were blocked, but those expressing pushback against such beliefs weren’t. I know I’ve personally experience a time or two when I was clearly insulted by an obviously liberal person, but when I tried to return the favor, my Tweet was removed. Though I was never suspended, several of my friends had been in the past (all of whom make no secret of their long-time conservatism).

Liberals-Only Playground

It’s plain that up until now, Twitter was run as a “liberals-only” playground, and anyone who didn’t have their highest extremely liberal credentials were only allowed to play in the playground as long as they stayed on the side and didn’t get too loud. But once the Twitter liberal elites heard one of those poor kids squawking too much, they either threw sand in their faces, or kicked them out of the playground entirely.

In previous interviews, Musk appeared to favor the concept of returning Twitter to a more neutral stance, where neither left-leaning nor right-leaning speech is favored, but all views would be allowed to stand. I’m glad to know that, and hopefully he follows through with that concept. It would be refreshing to see Twitter under his ownership, value all views and favor none; a Twitter not strangle-held by the extreme left-wing view, nor a cesspool of extreme right-wing view.

Lack-Of-Truth Social

Of this latter, that already exists in the form of Truth Social. In case you haven’t seen it, it should more properly be named “Lack-Of-Truth Social. It’s the place for the bellend MAGA morons who don’t seem to know how to do much more than post Trump-worshipping memes and comments about Trump is supposedly the Messiah come to earth. Truth Social reeks with the rotting stench of comments from racists, neo-fascists, white supremacists, and the woefully uneducated, easily-impressionable followers of such extremists. All they seem to do there is compete all day long to see which of them can stick their heads the farthest up Trump’s ass.

So, pretty much like Twitter was up until now, just on the opposite end of the political spectrum.

Cold Shoulder Toward Hate

Now obviously, no normal person would want to see actual hate speech anywhere, and certainly Twitter has already shown the capability to police that. If the white supremacists, antisemitics, racists, radical homophobes, and MAGA and “antifa” fascists want to start using Twitter again under an assumption that their hate-filled drivel will be acceptable, I’d hope they’ll find the same cold shoulder for their extremist hate under Musk that they experienced prior to his ownership.

Conversely, people who express views that may not be popular with others, but aren’t expressed with hatred and evil, should be allowed to stand, regardless of its sociopolitical viewpoint. That’s the nature of “free and open speech” and was more common in our society prior to the advent of the Internet and later, social media.

Twitter Reimagined

It’s my hope that Twitter could now become a “Twitter, Reimagined” where everyone has a right to speak respectfully without fear of being blocked or banned for their views (so long as they don’t cross well-established lines of propriety and respect), could be the impetus for more social media becoming less polarized to one sociopolitical extreme or the other.

The sociopolitical extremism we’ve seen growing worse and worse since the Obama days, are to me akin to radicalized Islam and its terrorist methodologies to support their views over all others. Hopefully we can reverse this trend in our society and return to respect.

Elon Musk’s Twitter may just be able to help with that, because we really need it.

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