Religion,  World Issues

Happy New Year, Same Old War

So here it is, 2024. And while the year is new, we’re still dealing with the same old war that Hamas started back in October 2023.

While Dr Chaim doesn’t get on X (formerly Twitter) much these days, I tend to peruse more often. While I certainly don’t agree with a lot of liberal/leftist beliefs, I can understand what they mean when they lament how, under Elon Musk’s ownership, the openly racist, antisemitic, far right extremists are up to their old tricks of contaminating X with all of their lying trash. Now under Musk, it seems like you have to literally threaten to kill someone on X before they’ll ban you.

All of which brings me rather untidily to the rash of antisemitic hate speech and holier-than-thou type of glowing support for Hamas and the so-called “Palestinians” by radical Muslims and their allies among the far-right.

The Return of Unpunished Hate Speech on Social Media

Now, I’d expect radical Islamists on social media to fawn over their radical allies in Hamas. These people practice a wildly radical form of Islam – pushing the boundaries even of what Muhammad probably would have considered canonical for the religion he created (thousands of years after G-d himself established Judaism, mind you).

One thing that is clearly established, from the time of Muhammad through to the radical Islamists of today, is their absolute, 100%, unwavering, unhidden hatred of all things and all people who claim to be Jewish.

So, it’s easy to see (for anyone who wants to admit to the truth of the matter) how people with a radicalized view of Islam would lie through their teeth to wink at Hamas’ atrocities and attempts at Jewish genocide.

What I wouldn’t have expected however, is how seemingly mild-mannered non-Muslim people would so easily and blindly fawn all over Hamas and blame Israel for everything except the sun going down every night.

Danish Pastries and Hate Speech

One perfect example of this is the infamous fraud of a physician, Dr Anastasia Maria Loupis of Denmark. She not only permanently defiled her medical credentials by publicly promoting medically-unsound and false information about vaccines; she’s also been caught numerous times posting extremely hateful comments against homosexuals and transgender people. She goes so far as to admit it, on her own X feed:

It seems that since the October 7, 2023, when Hamas started their war against Israel, Loupis and many others who have been shown to be so far-right that they’re practically indistinguishable from the Nazis themselves, have been showing support for Hamas, and demonstrating 24/7 rabid antisemitism on X and other social media entities.

This phenomenon was well-defined in an October 2023 article on the Mother Jones website… and before anyone says anything: as a dyed-in-the-wool conservative, yes I know Mother Jones is very liberal. But when they post the truth sometimes, as they did in the article linked here, well… even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Just as a side note directly to you, Anastasia, I’ll be happy to say this to your face: I think you look like a man already. Perhaps your parents should have encouraged your transgender beliefs when you were younger… you’d probably more balanced in your mind right now, and you probably wouldn’t sound as psychotic as you do now.

But I digress.

False Christianity

For people who claim to be conservative, Republican, and (gasp) Christian, herein lies a huge problem.

Christianity in its proper form (I’m not talking about the bastardized version that white supremacists like Andrew Torba, Nick Fuentes, and Donald Trump claim to follow), loves the Jew and supports Israel, because Christianity sprang from Judaism (Yeshua himself is a Jew). Christianity also teaches that adherents to love all people and speak the truth in love. So real Christians, while they may not approve of everything that an Israeli government does or says, they ultimately know that both they and Jews worship the same G-d, and that G-d pronounced blessings on those who blessed the Jews.

This is absolutely not what the extreme-far-right are doing when they are supporting Hamas, and spewing massive amounts of antisemitic hate speech.

Not only are they ignoring the facts of who started the war and of the historical public vow by Hamas to exterminate all Jews, they wink at all of the atrocities committed by Hamas. They post false information and pictures on social media claiming that the IDF, not Hamas, are committing all of the atrocities noted by the world’s new media.

I have no problem directly accusing all who claim to be Christians while holding onto such antisemitic views, as being false Christians and doomed to Hell unless they repent. I can say this because it is in fact the truth, directly supported by the scriptures that their religion claims to live by. Such people are literally living a lie.

Supporting the Lie

The radical Islamists including Hamas, and their newfound unlikely P.A.L.S. (some of you know what that stands for and it is completely appropriate) in the extremely-far-right camp, make the erroneous assumptions that Palestinians were always Palestinians, that Palestinians were in the region before Jews were, that the Jews “stole” the land, and that Jews have no right to the land and are “occupiers”.

Those who support this kind of thinking are either deliberate and malicious liars, or they have no understanding of history.

Same Old War

For radicalized Arabs in the region, it’s easy to see why they don’t understand history. For decades, their own elders have been feeding them a false version of historical facts, and have been whipped up into a brainwashed militant frenzy of “Palestinian” identity that pushes the false concepts that they are the true inheritors of the land and that Jews do not belong and must be killed in order to remove them. The radicalization is so comprehensive, that they have indoctrinated even their very young children with this religion of hatred, so that they will mindlessly believe that Jews are their enemies and that it’s their duty to their god and their prophet to commit genocide against all Jews.

For the people who are Christians – or who claim to be Christians – that lack of historical understanding is more difficult to fathom.

Historical Record

The best historical records of the pre-Christ era, are found in the Tanakh (the Christian “Old Testament”). Since the historical accuracy of many events cited in the Tanakh/Old Testament have been proven multiple times, I won’t bother trying to list sources here – we’d be here for a while.

Contrast these records with records of Muhammad and Islam – founded a mere six centuries after the birth of Christ, and thousands of years before the historical records of Jews in the region of Canaan (modern-day Israel). It’s clear that Jews had inhabited the land before the people who eventually became known as “Arabs” did, and many thousands of years before any follower of Muhammad did.

Some modern-day Arabs living in the region have attempted to claim that their “right” to the land goes back to before Hebrews migrated to Canaan. However, this is well and truly put to rest by two simple facts: Arabs themselves – particularly Muslims – trace their lineage back to Abraham’s first-born son Ishmael, while Jews can trace their lineage back to Abraham’s second son Isaac.

No Real Connection

We also know that various nomadic tribes lived in the area prior to the Abrahamic age, none of whom have any connection to modern Arabs. In one example, the Amelekites are believed to have been in the lower Canaan region prior to the birth of Ishmael and Isaac, along with other polytheistic peoples.

The point is this: for Arabs who want to identify as “Palestinian” to claim that their actual descendants for millennia back had first-claim to the land before Jews did, is not borne out by historical fact.

Add to this the fact that Islam as a religion began in the year 615, while Jews had inhabited the region for millennia before that. Thus anyone who makes any claim that Muslims were “there first” and thus have a right to the land while Jews do not, is an absolute liar – and I will say that to the face of anyone trying to make such a ridiculous claim that can easily be conclusively proven false.

Israelites possessed the land for thousands of years BEFORE a single Muslim ever set foot on that land.  THAT is historical FACT.

Let’s Be Clear On This

So let’s get this out in the open, and correct a manufactured lie that unfortunately many around the world believe:


Yes you read that correctly, and the statement is actually correct. I personally defy anyone to conclusively prove me wrong on that.

That is not “hate speech”. It is a plan statement of fact.

People who choose to identify as “Palestinians” are in fact Arab in ethnicity. There is a well-documented and researched article describing the history of the word “Palestine” and its subsequent misuse by radicalized Arabs here.

The whole concept of a “Palestinian” ethnicity is pure FICTION. It was deliberately manufactured by Arabs in decades past with the assistance of outside forces, in an attempt by them to cast Jews as evil “thieves” of “Palestinian” land. The end game was the destruction of Jews and a complete takeover of all of the land from Gaza to the West Bank.

The Goal of Hamas Terrorists Exposed

The goal is clear, and the reasoning is simple.

These radical Arab Muslims want to follow their prophet’s call to exterminate all Jews. In that regard alone, they are radical Muslims who are outside of what many know as mainstream Islam which attempts to live at peace with everyone.

Just like their prophet fought and killed Jews in Arabia, and their predecessors worked alongside Nazis in their extermination of Jews, they want to exterminate all Jews everywhere else.

Here is another absolute truth:


Again, this is indisputable; just read the Hamas Charter and you’ll see that the extermination of all Jews is absolutely, in fact, a main goal of Hamas terrorists.

But the goal of those in the past who created the fictional “Palestinian” ethnicity and pushed for its acceptance as a “nationality”, is also clear. It comes down to this:

If you can’t kill them all, make the world hate them all.

Hamas and their allies in the Arab world, as well as their unlikely allies among far-right extremists, are set firmly on that goal.

Hateful Intentions

Just like a stack of dominoes where one is hit and the others fall, the intent of Hamas terrorists is to kill as many Jews as they can, while at the same time playing the victim card to the world’s face. The intent here is to increase the lies and misinformation about Israeli actions both now and in the past, not only to indoctrinate their children into false beliefs, but to indoctrinate today’s media and people into false beliefs about Israel and the Jews, thus making the “world hate them all”, and by doing so they can expel Jews from the land that they erroneously claim is theirs alone.

The UN Had A Plan

Now, regardless of who was where and when, the fact remains, and is thoroughly documented, that the United Nations actually did create a partition plan in 1947. But here’s the funny thing.

The Jewish contingent agreed to the two-state plan.

The Arabs patently REJECTED it.

In a nutshell, Arabs and Israelis had a chance at a real two-state solution, but the Arabs, the so-called “Palestinians” blew it by demanding the death of all Jews instead of peaceful co-existence.

The Real Enemy

So, it’s not Israel’s fault that those Arabs in the 1940s refused the UN plan.

It’s not Israel’s fault that the modern Arab terrorists of Hamas & Hezbollah have widely and publicly vowed to murder all Jews.  They committed themselves to a campaign of Jewish genocide, attempting to carry on the work of other radical antisemitic people.

Israel is not the enemy here.

The enemy is the Satanic level of evil that exists in Hamas and their allies, indeed all who speak of evil intent toward Israel.

How myopic.

What Would You Do?

Some days ago, I was engaging on X with someone who was making various comments against Israel and Jews in general, and fawning all over Hamas claiming that the Hamas fighters were the victims who did nothing wrong. He rejected any notion that Hamas had actually started the fighting, falsely claiming that Israel started shooting first. After I pointed out the fact that the beginning of the conflict and who started it was extremely well-documented, he began another antisemitic tirade about why Israel should just capitulate, lay down their arms, and let Hamas do whatever they wanted.

I’m finishing here with my final response to him, who identified as an Indonesian Muslim, because it outlines exactly why Israel is doing what they are doing.

My Response

Imagine how YOU would feel if a nation or army or group of people wanted to kill YOU AND YOUR FAMILY for NO OTHER REASON than the fact that you were Indonesian.

THIS is why Israel fights. The modern state of Israel has not STARTED these wars, but others have attacked THEM, drawing them to defend themselves then to attack to destroy the enemy’s capability to attack.  ANY SANE NATION would do the same.

Would YOU stand idly by if China, after making noises that it thinks all Indonesians were subhuman and worthy of destruction, suddenly bombed and invaded your country, and killed or kidnapped your women and children?  I would hope that you’re not a coward and would say you’d take up arms and fight the Chinese with the intent to destroy their means of attacking you!

That’s exactly what Israel is forced to do now.  There was nothing of major consequence occurring until 10/7/23, when Hamas attacked and invaded Israel proper.  Their response is NO DIFFERENT than what you would do with an enemy, an invader of your land.

Same Old War

So, as we begin a new year of 2024, we still have to contend with the same old war. Not just the war that Hamas started on October 7, but the same old war of antisemitism.

It’s the same war of human against human, brother against brother, that started since Cain slew Abel, that makes one group of people kill another group of people for false beliefs or poor rationales.

It’s the war that makes one group want to forcibly subjugate all others under their political, ethnic, or religious belief at the exclusion of all others.

And it’s the war that makes people hate other people for literally no good reason.

One of these days, maybe when we all grow up, we’ll stop this war on each other and learn to live together in peace.

Unfortunately, knowing how evil and hate can fester in the mind and the heart, I’m not holding out too much hope.

Happy new year.

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