
Predicting The Future In the 2020 US General Election

Let me take a stab at predicting the future…. so as the saying goes, “I’m just gonna leave this here.”

predicting the future

Predicting the Future

After the US general election of 2020 on November 3, arguably one of the most contentious elections in living memory, it’s easy to see where each side of the political-ideological universe are going to rapidly claim territory after the election results became widely publicized.

Sure, the Democrats / liberals / progressives / jackasses (whichever name could be applied) will claim that Biden won by a landslide… “70 million”… “100 million”… “200 million”… “it was a free and fair election”… “no voter fraud”… “the people have spoken”. Those types of comments will certainly be the blabber by those using Twitter and Facebook, let alone by the grinning goblins that inhabit the modern mass news media (using the term “news” loosely here). 

Sorry, I’m not a liberal twonk, so I’m going to stop there because I’m starting to get nauseated just thinking of all the bullcrap they’re certainly going to be claiming over the next few days.

No doubt conservatives / Republicans will be complaining of “mass voter fraud”, “loss of election integrity”, “a tight race aka no landslide”, “stolen election”, and no doubt a few others dreamed up by a narcissistic twit who can’t stand to be told he lost.

So each side of the fence is going to have their arguments at the ready, all prepared to blast the other side and scream that their arguments are correct and that the “other side” are a bunch of stinking lying losers.

The Underlying Problem

But there is an underlying problem here, that no one will probably properly address, which one side will skip around without proof, and the other side will claim is just whiny propaganda from a loser.

Let’s recall back in 2016, when all the eyes were on Hillary Clinton, and it was taken as almost assured that she would win and that Donald Trump didn’t have a prayer.  After the results became clear that night, many people watched with glee when video of the downcast, crying liberal snowflakes appeared all over the news media.

Then something happened.

All the liberal snowflakes and some congresspeople started screaming “mass voter fraud”, “loss of election integrity”, “stolen election”, along with my personal favorite, “abolish the Electoral College.”

Trump didn’t make himself look any better, because even after winning the election, he went on rants claiming that certain state or local elections were fraudulent. Looking at his behavior from the understanding that he’s a pure narcissist, it’s likely that he expected a 100% vote for him and was incensed that it didn’t happen.

Stolen Election?

If I can be so bold as to make a prediction here, I’d be willing to bet my whole 2020 earnings on the likelihood that, should the final results swing in Biden’s favor (I’m being cautious since not all the counts are in as of the time of writing), we’re going to hear everything but “abolish the Electoral College” from Republicans. 

I feel confident in saying that, once the final tallies are completed, Trump will instantly come out and claim the election was rigged, that the Democrats cheated, and that his re-election was “stolen” from him. And all of his MAGA minions will be like the sycophants that they are, pushing the narrative everywhere they can on social media and elsewhere.

Let’s face it: the only reason Clinton appeared to win the popular vote in 2016, was because of states with unfairly huge political sway with extremely high numbers of registered Democrats: New York and California.  Part of the reason for the popular vote outcome was the alleged but unfortunately not well-proven argument that Democrats deliberately violated election integrity by sneaking in votes from illegal aliens… to translate that term for liberals who don’t speak “American”, that’s “migrants” and “refugees” (comprende?).

They Had Enough

She lost the Electoral College mainly because too many people in the states Trump won, had had enough of the self-serving liberal “progressive” garbage from eight years of Obama and his done-nothing-good-for-forty-years-in-politics dementia-infested lap-dog Biden (sorry for all the adjectives, but they certainly do apply), and they wanted a change, and it appeared that Trump would be able to bring about a change back to the traditional values upon which America was founded.  He branded himself as the non-politician “outsider” and that he was the only hope for “draining the swamp” as it was oft-chanted back then.

Largely however, none of the powerful Democrats in Federal or state governments, seriously considered actually abolishing the Electoral College system, even if they paid lip service to the downtrodden Clinton-following snowflakes who screamed for its destruction.  The reason is obvious: when used properly, it really does even the playing field, so that less populous states can have a larger measure of influence on the outcome of an election, and more populous states can have their power checked to a degree.

Making the Argument

But after seeing how ruthlessly this election was conducted, given the supposed restrictions because of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, it’s extremely easy to see that if Biden comes out appearing to win in some “landslide” in the Electoral College, an argument for election fraud could certainly be made.  Why?  The pandemic.

Ever since the primaries, the Democrats have been the party most consistently pushing for an election conducted almost exclusively by mail.  Republicans have largely been giving tacit and reluctant approval to a plan for mail-in voting, but there had been a difference in definition.  Whereas Republicans appeared largely to be calling for an expansion of existing “absentee” voting procedures where the ballot is relatively well-tracked and somewhat difficult to fake (though not impossible), the overall Democrat plan appeared to involve generic secret mail-in ballots that anyone, registered or not, could obtain and mail in.

This second option is much more problematic.  Mail-in ballots that aren’t tightly regulated by the states with unique tracking to absolutely ensure that each vote was cast by one and only one already registered voter in his/her assigned voting/residential locale, could create a “perfect storm” situation where those bent on committing fraud could very easily duplicate votes, cast multiple votes, and have hundreds or thousands of illegitimate ballots ready to be suddenly “found” if early returns appear to be “going the wrong way.” Even if no such improprieties occur, the inherent risk of an unregulated mail-in ballot system could cause anyone to claim an election was illegitimate, thus forcing a lengthy and problematic re-counting process.

The Spawn of Satan

In fairness, BOTH parties can easily commit this kind of voter fraud, but it seems to me that the Democrats have much more to lose in 2020 if Trump comes out the ultimate winner, because they’ve spent literally trillions of other peoples’ money over the last four years trying to convince the world that Donald Trump is the spawn of Satan (a not-too-far-off argument anyway).  If they lose now, they risk having to abandon all the effort and money they’ve been expending to paint Trump as an evil dictator – which honestly his own words and actions don’t belay – while simultaneously ignoring any actual positive accomplishments that he’s done for this country in the last four years.

With the results of this year’s election by no means certain at this point (though both sides are “unofficially” claiming victory), I’m going to hazard another prediction: the Democrats, after their trouncing in 2016 and that their alleged attempts to “stuff the ballot box” with illegitimate votes from those not legally able to vote were thwarted, they may have learned from their mistakes and will come out with either a “squeaker” Electoral College win, or come out with a landslide popular-vote and EC win for Biden, if legitimately enough people in this country of voting age have had enough of the narcissist-in-chief.

If this would be the case, they may think they have won… but I’m worried that it will be the traditional rights, protections, and freedoms that Americans enjoy now, that will ultimately lose.

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