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Dispelling The Myths (SCOTUS-Pocus – The Obergefell Decision)

We continue our series on the Obergefell Supreme Court decision.

As the ripple effects of the June 26, 2015 SCOTUS decision on so-called “gay marriage” reverberates throughout our country and the world, we need to look deeper at the “SCOTUS-Pocus”, what these four liberal judges and the swing vote have done to this country.


Now that SCOTUS has now created a country where everyone will feel that whatever they think, say, do, or believe is legally defensible even if laws have been previously constructed against certain actions or speech, we may well turn into a country where certain individuals or groups will be afraid to say or do anything to anyone for fear of being sued for violating the “rights” of others, but at the same time, will be waiting with litigiously-baited breath for someone to say or do something to violate their “rights”.

But even as Christians, some Jews, and social conservatives concern themselves with a seemingly inevitable tide of anti-religious persecution from the godless left, I’d like to take a step aside for a minute and nail down some things about homosexual practice that I may have simply touched on in prior discussions.

Born That Way (Not)

One would expect that any conservative-leaning Jew or Christian should bring up the concept of G-d first in this issue.  And no wonder: G-d has existed long before any of us, and He is the author of marriage in the first place.  Though it may be trite to say “G-d created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve”, the concept still stands. 

And as I have written on previous occasions, there is no such thing as “born gay” – despite years of research and millions of dollars spent (that would have been better spent elsewhere), there is not one single shred of definitive, compelling scientific or medical evidence that a “gay gene” exists or that people are born with the propensity for homosexuality. 

So, despite what homosexuals will say about being “born that way” in order to either soothe their consciences regarding what has (up until about 20 years ago) been a very unpopular and socially unacceptable lifestyle, or to convince society that their lifestyle is not the sinful abomination that G-d says it is, let’s allow medical science to place the final nail in the “born gay” coffin, and throw that unsubstantiated argument away.

Sin vs Sinner

Another argument we need to dispense with is the assertion that people professing and practicing Judeo-Christian faith “hate gays.”  Part of this erroneous concept is rooted in the decidedly anti-Christian antics of the members of the Westboro Baptist Church… all 40 or so of them, who are likely all destined for Hell anyway because of their actions and beliefs that completely distort the Word of G-d. 

While it’s true that in both the Jewish Tanakh (Old Testament) and the Christian New Testament, G-d considers homosexual practice an abomination, the fact is that homosexuality is not the only sin that G-d detests. 

It, in itself, is no less or worse a sin in G-d’s eyes than lying, adultery, or theft.  But how many times have you heard the godless liberals and gay activists whining that all Christians talk about is how G-d hates homosexuality, as if G-d loves is perfectly fine with every other sin?

The clear fact, backed up by all of the Bible, is that G-d loves all of His creation, but he hates the sin that all of us engage in – no matter what it is.  So, if G-d “hates the sin but loves the sinner”, then Christians and Jews can expect to do no less than demonstrate the love of G-d to everyone, whether or not they believe in G-d, whether or not they choose to turn from their sin, and whether or not they choose to ridicule us for our Judeo-Christian stance. 

So, let’s dispense with the myth that “Jews and Christians hate gays” – because we don’t.  We’re not allowed to, and if we are living the life that G-d wants us to live, we wouldn’t want to hate gays or anyone else, for that matter.

Possible Actions

Having said all that, and since the long-standing opposition to gay “marriage” has been rooted in what G-d has to say about it in the Bible (both Old and New Testaments), most LGBT people will choose to do one of several things:

Openly reject G-D, the Bible, and religion

These are the people you see on Facebook and Twitter screaming loudly against anyone who invokes G-d’s name in a comment discussion about homosexual issues, and this group most likely makes up the majority of what I’ve called the “militant gay faction” because of their radical left-wing leaning.

Claim to be Christian or Jewish and simply ignore the portions of the Scriptures that condemn homosexual practice

These are the people who you will most likely find in Christian churches, sincerely attempting to follow G-d but will find they are most welcome in denominations such as Episcopalian, United Methodist, or Presbyterian churches, who have been criticized by evangelicals for watering down their understanding of the Gospel and ignoring G-d’s prohibitions on homosexuality; interestingly, these are the same denominations who have ordained openly-gay clergy.

Seek spiritual fulfillment outside of “traditional” Christian and Jewish circles

These people will likely turn to alternative religions, such as Buddhism, Taoism, Wicca, or others that either deny or simply wink at the existence of the Judeo-Christian G-d and authority of Judeo-Christian scripture.  They will refer to gods, goddesses, self, karma, and spiritual fulfillment coming from within, not from an almighty and omnipotent Creator. 

These people would be unlikely to turn to Islam as it seems to be more openly-hostile to homosexual belief and practice, and I doubt many LGBT’s would want to be in a religion that is seen as far more hateful to their lifestyle, than they believe Judeo-Christian religions are.

Opening the Floodgates of Persecution

So, let’s consider all this when we discuss what Christians and Jews need to do to both protect themselves from discrimination, persecution, or prosecution in the light of the SCOTUS ruling, and what States need to do about the “gay marriage” ruling.

First, what will likely happen now that gay marriage is technically the “law of the land”?

As has been seen with the discrimination lawsuits over the last several years where gay couples argued they were being discriminated against because a small business chose not to cater or provide services for a gay wedding based on religious belief, I predict that more and more gay couples wishing to wed will become litigious against Christian-owned businesses who choose not to violate their Christian principles and provide services for gay weddings.  But is this refusal, discrimination?

The militant gay faction would argue that such actions would be discrimination, but by forcing a business to violate its first-amendment right to freedom to exercise their religious beliefs, is provably discrimination, whereas gay couples who attempt to force actions on a business would have to stretch a long way to prove that a religiously-based refusal of service is actually discrimination against their civil rights.

Over the next several months or so, how many instances of the cameras belonging to CNN and other yellow journalism outlets are we going to be subjected to, where gay couples will decry Christians for “discriminating” against their so-called “constitutional right to marry”?  How many more businesses will be forced to close because godlessly-liberal local or state governments (such as in Oregon) will ignore due process and actual constitutional rights, to slap Christians and Christian-owned businesses with fines, imprisonment, or worse, all in the name of preserving gay rights while at the same time stripping Christians of theirs?

Screwing Up The Country

If you take that thought far enough, it’s easy to see how five justices just screwed up this country.

Does this mean that Christians and Jews should just lay down and become punching-bags for gay activists and the godless liberals, and let them take away our rights and our “equal protection under the law”? 

Do we have to shut our mouths and quietly allow our country to be ripped apart?  Are we expected to sit idly by, while the traditional values upon which this country was founded and what made it the envy and the model of the world are violently stripped away from it in a tidal wave of godless liberalism? 

Are we, who are called to be the lamp-bearers and the watch-persons on the wall, expected to sleep while the ignorant, selfish, and perverse shake their fists at G-d and shout “screw you, we know better?”

Absolutely not.  As I’ve noted before, the way Kennedy worded the decision not only opens a Pandora’s box of insanity for any nut case wanting to claim that even outlawed beliefs and practices are their “individual right” and thus protected by the 14th Amendment as effectively re-written by SCOTUS.


A perfect case in point is the story from July 1 out of Montana about a man ready to sue his state if they won’t allow him to be a bigamist.

The decision also produces a consequence perhaps unforeseen by the justices and the godless liberals, in that it enables Christians and Jews to claim the same “equal protection under the law” for our beliefs and practices. 

So, Alabama, Florida, and Texas, for example, can argue they are well within the “equal protection” provision for stopping the issuance of licenses to gay couples, or indeed to any couple seeking a marriage license.  Naturally, all of this will no doubt be litigated, and will take months or perhaps years to work on up the court systems.

In that time, perhaps sanity will return to the people of the United States, and they will see the severe error of what SCOTUS really did last week, and demand change – from the SCOTUS chamber to the White House.

Until that happens, the clear fact remains that there will surely be a greater divide in this country between people of Judeo-Christian faith, and those who choose to turn aside or reject Judeo-Christian faith, upon which this country was founded.

Next: The Ultimate Double-Edged Sword

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