Politics,  Religion,  Society

Gay Cakes and the War on Mutual Respect and True Tolerance

It seems that the radical gay faction and the social terrorists are at it again. Now they want to force people to make “gay cakes.”

Near-Militant Action

The forces of radical, godless liberal philosophy are constantly at work attempting to shape societal change through near-militant action against those with differing views. Recently, we’ve been seeing this in our society with the aggressive push to force people to accept the concept that homosexuality is the same as, and just as normal and acceptable as, heterosexuality.

I’m specifically excluding “transgender” here, since according to the American Psychological Association, “gender dysphoria” is still classified as a mental disorder – though if the social terrorists have their way, that may change by political pressure, and not by medical or psychological science.

A Preface

I’m going to preface this entire post by saying that my personal religious beliefs dictate that the practice of homosexuality is a sin in the eyes of G-d. However, I refuse to condemn those who choose to identify themselves as gay or lesbian. I also appreciate those who choose to live the gay/lesbian lifestyle while respecting others who may disagree with their lifestyle choice yet choose not to condemn them.

I personally know a number of people who identify as gay or lesbian who I count as friends. They live their lives like everyone else, and do not feel the need to be “militant” about their views or seek to “crush” anyone who opposes their lifestyle choice.

Many of them know with certainty that there is a “militant” faction of gay people in our country who would love nothing more than to destroy, in any way possible, including physically, those to oppose homosexuality. But my gay friends don’t subscribe to that desire – they know my viewpoints, but also I respect their right to live their lives and believe as they choose, and they respect my right to live and believe as I choose.

Coming Out of the Closet

It’s been well-established that homosexuality has existed for thousands of years.  However, it seems that in recent times, the lifestyle has become much more prevalent. It’s also true that in the past, in nearly every society in our world, the open practice of homosexuality was at the least taboo and at the worst considered a crime and prosecuted by death. Though there are still some cultures and countries that prohibit or prosecute homosexual practice, things have changed in the past 20 years or so in our so-called “Western culture”.

No longer is homosexuality hidden away “in the closet.” It’s openly celebrated in gay pride parades, prominently displayed in our TV shows and movies, and even considered an “in-thing” with some of our youth, who struggle with their own identity anyway, and wrestle with both being unique and fitting in at the same time.

A Growing Debate

Over the last several years we’ve seen a growing debate between those supporting homosexuality, and those who choose to hold a “traditional” or biblical view of the issue. This debate hasn’t been just a “you’re right, you’re wrong” religious type of discussion. We’ve seen a much more angered and militant portion of the overall gay community seeking to brutally silence the opposition view.

From Oregon’s “Sweet Cakes” issue, to Indiana’s “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” law, as well as other high-profile instances, let alone the pending Supreme Court decision in a “state’s rights” case regarding gay marriage, the once-cultural issue of homosexuality has become increasingly politicized.

All-Out War

We have all the ingredients for an all-out cultural and political war.

We have the fact that President Obama several years ago publicly (and infamously for some) switched his stance on homosexuality and gay marriage (see here from 2008 and here from 2012).

We see the open defiance of liberal-minded people who either directly deny the existence of G-d, or at the least, acknowledge His existence but attempt to misrepresent biblical standards of what constitutes moral human behavior.

Then there’s the modern liberal media willing to publish anything that makes traditional and moral views look archaic and stupid.

The stage is set for this war.

The Biblical Basis

Now, it’s a foregone conclusion that no logical arguments will convince or persuade people who identify as atheist or agnostic to consider an alternative to their way of thinking. But for everyone else, let’s understand a few things here.

Biblical sources both in the Old Testament and the New Testament clearly oppose the practice of homosexuality.

gay cakes

Very famously, prior to the law (Torah) being given to the Jews, G-d totally destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, because of their well-known practice of open homosexuality; this is the origin of our word “sodomy” (Genesis 18:20-21, 19:1-29). In Jewish law (mitzvot), G-d specifically prohibits the practice, calling it “abomination” (Leviticus 18:22, 29, 20:13).

In the New Testament, the Christian apostle Paul reinforced G-d’s statements in the Old Testament, calling homosexuality an abomination (Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9, 1 Timothy 1:10) and Jude also made note of the abomination of Sodom (Jude 7).

Clearly with all this biblical evidence, no one can justifiably say that G-d has “nothing to say” about homosexuality. Neither can those who choose to call themselves Christians or Jews simply ignore these biblical references and support the practice of homosexuality. The fact that G-d has firmly condemned the practice of homosexuality is an absolute, a non-negotiable fact.  This doesn’t mean that G-d hates the homosexual him/herself, but He has made it plain that he abhors the practice.

No, You Aren’t Born That Way

The concept of one being “born gay” is completely without merit, and not supported by the preponderance of scientific and medical evidence. Some who align themselves with the “born gay” hypothesis point to the possibility of a “gay gene” which would reinforce their assertion that they can’t help how they feel because they were “born that way.” 

But, years of searching for this “gay gene” has come up empty – primarily because it’s clear that there is actually no genetic code that makes some people gay.  Failing this, they’ll usually point to the “mounting” or “humping” behavior in the animal kingdom as “evidence” that animals can be “born gay”. Honestly, that concept is a real long stretch of any truth of the behavior. 

It’s been long held that such behaviors in animals are related to dominance in the group or pack, and don’t actually “prove” sexual attraction, particularly the way we understand the concept in our species.

When all these fail, and they struggle to reconcile a “G-d made me gay” assertion with the fact that it’s completely illogical for a G-d who created them to both publicly condemn homosexuality as a practice but to also make them gay from birth.

So, many who support homosexual practices will simply either ignore the irreconcilability of this concept, or will reject the existence of G-d altogether.

The Original Concept of Marriage

Marriage as a concept of union between a man and a woman was instituted by G-d, at the beginning of creation; not only for propagation of species, but also for reasons of emotional and spiritual health, so that neither man nor woman is “alone”. From a biblical perspective, this type of arrangement is the only one that has the term “marriage” associated with it.

Throughout recorded history, we can easily see that the man/woman concept of a union called marriage has stood this test, and marriage between a man and a woman is the only union that has been socially accepted from both a religious and legal standpoint. There is no firm, convincing evidence that a homosexual marriage was ever accepted religiously or legally in any society, until recent times.

So, why all this fuss about “gay marriage”? Don’t gay people have a right to marry whom the wish? From a “human rights” standpoint, this would certainly seem logical. But there is a huge elephant in the room here, that I think many people are missing, or at least don’t want to acknowledge.

Social Terrorism: The Elephant In The Room

gay cakes

The elephant in the room is a segment of the overall gay/lesbian community. I’ve referred to them as the “militant gay faction”. As part of the wider network of social terrorists, this group has adopted an extremely authoritarian ideology and set of tactics. They have been at work since the 1960’s to not just advocate for equality of the gay/lesbian person in our society, but in more recent times, to forcefully diminish or eliminate the rights of those who oppose homosexuality for any reason.

Over the years, these militants have pushed the cause of open homosexuality to the forefront of society. With total disregard for peoples’ feelings, they have forced some people “out”, exposing gay and lesbian people (particularly in politics) who wished to remain private about their homosexuality. The militants have forced the homosexual agenda into our media and entertainment, our halls of government, our schools, and our science, and not content with all of that, even infiltrating our churches.

The Militant Manifesto

Part of their manifesto has been the forceful change of society to see a “normalization” of homosexuality as completely equivalent to heterosexuality in all respects. They’ve continued to push this “normalization” concept by claiming people are “born gay”, despite lack of any scientific evidence to prove their argument.

The militant gay faction sees anyone who disagrees with their goals as a direct threat that must be stopped. As such, they see traditional Judeo-Christian faith as a direct threat to their lifestyle, and a threat that must be not just ridiculed, but neutralized. Their ultimate goal is to destroy Judaism and Christianity in America, and they have found a willing mouthpiece and ally in the liberal media.

Over the last several years, the militant gay faction has won many battles against Judeo-Christian faith, because many practicing Jews and Christians were unfortunately “sleeping” while the militant gay faction kept deliberately and maliciously pushing their agenda into all facets of our society.

All-Out Persecution

They have used Judeo-Christianity’s biblical opposition to homosexuality to whip up a sense of furor against the Judeo-Christian faith, to call it intolerant, hateful, and bigoted, deflecting the truth that the radical nature of their own agenda actually fits these terms, so that simple-minded people will fall for the lies they are spewing about Judaism and Christianity. 

Clearly their ultimate goal is to cause an all-out persecution of Jews and Christians, all the while deliberately ignoring and downplaying the fact that the vast majority of practicing Christians and Jews would seek to “hate the sin but love the sinner.”

Gay Cakes

The militant gay faction deliberately and maliciously attacked the Christian faith in Oregon, when reportedly in January 2013, Rachel Cryer and Laurel Bowman stepped into Sweet Cakes by Melissa, a bakery that they reportedly had patronized in the past, and asked for a cake to be made for their upcoming wedding.

Based on the reports and subsequent events, one thing is perfectly clear:

Bowman and Cryer actually ARE militant gay social terrorists.

These were not simply two lesbians who just walked into a random business one day and were so “emotionally distraught” when the owners told them it was against their Christian principles to participate in a gay marriage ceremony.

It’s clear that Bowman and Cryer are deliberately sought out that bakery, believing the owners would stick to their Christian principles, and thus they could use Oregon’s flawed “equal rights” law against them with the sole goal of making a public example of them, all in the spirit of anti-Christian persecution, furthering the fascist-like behavior and tactics of the militant gay faction.

Anyone else would have seen the issue for what it was, and would have simply gone to another bakery. As it is, though, this was a well-thought out, pre-planned action on the part of the militant gay faction, of which Bowman and Cryer are members, to further smear Judeo-Christian faith and muddy the waters of what should be a clear issue.

It’s the Event, Stupid

If we look at all the facts objectively, not just the ones that bolster the militant gay faction’s agenda, we’ll clearly see the fact that the owners declined to supply a service for an event which stood in opposition to their personal religious beliefs. The refusal had nothing whatsoever to do with discrimination against the customers themselves.

It was the event that was the issue that defied their faith and principles. Had the owners, Aaron and Melissa Klein, been asked by a customer to cater bakery items for a Neo-Nazi hate group’s event, no one would question their refusal based on the type of event.

Unfortunately, this simple fact went unheeded by the administrative law judge Alan McCullough, clearly either showing his misunderstanding of the true issue at hand, or (more to the point, as I suspect) his illegal bias on the case, which gave the militant gay agenda (which he clearly supports) a victory they did not in fact earn. This bias itself should result in McCullough’s ejection from sitting for any case from his bench.

Unfortunately all the circumstances were aligned against the Kleins: a bisexual governor who was in the legislature fighting against Christian rights when the incident occurred, anti-Christian legislation fueled by the godless militant gay faction forcing its agenda on the Oregon legislature, society already reeling from ongoing “gay marriage” fights in a number of states, and a godless, overly-liberal, anti-Christian President more than willing to legislate by executive order if need be, on the side of the militant gay agenda.


Since the Sweet Cakes issue, others have tried “goading” gay-friendly, atheist, and Muslim businesses into going against the principles of the owners. YouTube abounds with “clandestine” videos of so-called “Christians” walking into gay-owned shops and requesting cakes be made with anti-gay slogans on them, or to Muslim shops requesting items that would violate Muslim beliefs. In none of these cases, however, did anyone cry “foul” or whip up a huge media furor against the businesses (likely because the liberal media sees such attempts as not “newsworthy”, which only shows their anti-Christian bias).

Even the recent furor over Indiana’s initial passage of their Religious Freedom Restoration Act, has demonstrated how far the militant gay faction and their pals in the liberal media will go to make a point, even if they have to lie, cheat, and steal in order to make the point.

Media reports from many sources, including Huffington Post and MSN, painted the Indiana law as a wholly negative, deliberate attack against gays.

Unfortunately, these and other media outlets deliberately misled the public to the true content of the law, causing such a furor, that a possible “goading” attempt by a reporter from station WBND was made on Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana, and their Christian owners, purely for “shock value” purposes. Besides the footage of interview with the O’Connors, owners of Memories Pizza, we have yet to see how much footage was left on the proverbial “cutting room floor” because others interviewed had either no opinion or the “politically correct” opinion on the RFRA issue.

The blatant, pre-meditated interview segment was used maliciously by WBND to further stir up anti-Christian bias and cause threats against the owners’ lives and their business, which in itself is a crime. But neither the militant gay faction nor the liberal media want to see that fact, they only want to use such comments to further stir up persecution against people of faith.

Finding the Fit

So, what’s the point to all of this? Where does the “gay marriage” issue fit in, and where do non-militant gay people fit in here?

The Supreme Court has a case before it (as of this writing) that would theoretically provide a so-called “constitutional right” to gay marriage. Unfortunately for those who would press this agenda, the liberal media, and the militant gay faction, the issue before the court should not be the constitutionality of gay marriage, because no such constitutional right exists, even for heterosexual marriage.

For SCOTUS to grant some sort of “constitutional protection” to gay marriage alone is in itself a discrimination against non-homosexuals. The true issue is whether the individual states have a right to determine if they will or will not accept legality of same-sex marriage.

This is a state’s rights issue, not a gay rights issue.

Forcing The Issue

Built atop this issue, however, is the concern that should SCOTUS rule against the right of the states to determine this issue for themselves, the militant gay faction will use such a decision against people of faith, and effectively force ministers, rabbis, churches, and synagogues who do not support the concept of same-sex marriage on religious grounds, to perform such marriage ceremonies against their beliefs, or face prosecution.

I am convinced (partly because I personally know a number of them) that there are people in our society who consider themselves homosexual, but don’t subscribe to the militant gay agenda. They would rather live their lives, without fear of harassment, and gladly afford that same consideration to those whom they know don’t share their views regarding their lifestyle.

The proper Judeo-Christian viewpoint is to condemn the sin, but love the sinner. Though we can be opposed to homosexuality on a moral or religious standpoint, it does not mean we need to deny them basic human rights, since they also are human.

By the same token, what I would consider that non-militant gay people (those who have no interest in the goals of the militant gay agenda) would not seek to orchestrate circumstances in which they can cause the persecution or prosecution of people of faith… in a phrase, they would simply go to the bakery down the street instead.

The Real Enemy

So, what is the real enemy here?

It is godless liberalism. It is the idea that there is no right or wrong, no morality, no religious compass, no G-d to concern ourselves with. It is the mindset that “it’s all good”, “we’re both right”, “go with the flow” – yet at the same time, “I will shove you to the dirt if you disagree with my viewpoint.”

It’s that same fascist-like philosophy that seeks to destroy anyone or anything that stands opposed to the militant gay agenda, which has unfortunately invaded and tarnished the image of well-meaning homosexuals who just want to live their lives with respect and wish to respect opposing viewpoints without needless argument or backlash.

Americans, both gay and straight, need to come to a consensus that godless liberalism is the real enemy, and it is seeking to not only tarnish, but destroy civil relations between gay and straight people. Everyone needs to realize what’s really at stake here, and actively work to defuse the militant gay agenda, and return a mutual respect for others, a respect for not only “gay pride” but also “straight pride”, and a return to the time-honored principles of individual responsibility, respect, and accountability to our society.

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