Politics,  Society

Georgia On My Mind: The 2020 Georgia Runoff Election

There are times when I wish I had a gigantic megaphone, and could stand on a high tower in the middle of the country and broadcast what I believe and want to say.

To many people who have strong feelings or beliefs, the ability to do this is a godsend, and it’s obviously why people on each side of our country’s political pendulum, build themselves up to national prominence, have video presences on YouTube and elsewhere, or work their way through to national cable news or entertainment outlets.  The ability to be able to tell the whole country en masse, exactly what we think about an issue, particularly one which can be divisive, polarizing, or controversial, can be intoxicating.

Total Power

Likewise, at various times in our country’s history, one party or the other has had full control of the Federal government.  We can look back through impartial historical records and review the consequences of allowing one party or the other to have the long-sought (but usually short-lived) “total power” in the Federal government. 

The power is definitely intoxicating.

I’m not going to debate the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election, neither will I be gaslighted by either the modern news media or by the Trump team and his MAGA cult, into believing a narrative just because someone or other wants to push it. 

Nonetheless, what I’m saying here is reflective of the where various election results stand as of the date I’m writing this: that the Democrats hold a razor-thin majority in the House, and the Senate is still up for grabs due to the upcoming Georgia runoff, and the assumption that the Electoral College voting will ultimately result in Biden’s favor. 

One Party

There’s no doubt that an extraordinary amount of attention is being paid to Georgia by both parties, as it is obvious that the upcoming 2020 Georgia runoff election for the US Senate will decide which party controls the Senate until the next general election.  But it won’t just decide the party in control of the Senate, but more importantly, it will decide if one party gains control of the entire Federal government.  To me, the current state of the country makes the “one party control” concept incredibly troubling.

So, though I’m addressing this to anyone who wants to read it, I’d love to have that megaphone on a tower, and address it particularly to every voter in the state of Georgia.

Over our political history, and especially given the history of political divisiveness in this country in recent years, it’s way too easy to think “just let one party control everything.” It tends to be really easy to say this, particularly if we are allied with the party in control, because policy and legislation become very “friendly” to our way of thinking and we find it easier to move the country and the society at large in the direction that aligns with our belief system.

One Direction – Wrong Direction

But what if that direction isn’t the correct direction?  What if the direction you agree with, harms someone else? What if a policy decision or legislation, encourages the death of another human being?

Again, it’s way too easy to look back on the last number of years and say that President Trump’s policies, executive orders, and legislation under his watch, have harmed others.  Democrats and others opposed to his administration have had four years to argue this, along with a generalized and obvious attitude of hatred toward the man himself, let alone his actions and politics. 

But moving the country in a one-party-control direction, with its consequence of unchecked power to complete a “wish list” of pet projects and legislation, is not the answer to four years of Trump politics and controversies.  Power is intoxicating, remember?  When one party has total control, with no way to mitigate, share, or check that power, the people suffer.

It’s History

It’s basic history. This is why modern countries don’t have absolute monarchies anymore.  It’s why actual dictators like Hitler, Mussolini, and others have been deposed.  It’s also why much time is lost during a power transition from one party to another, when the incoming party, showing divisive hatred for the other, wastes too much time at the beginning of their administration, undoing and negating the policy decisions and legislation of the previous party.

At this time of seemingly irreconcilable divisiveness in this country, you’d be forgiven (by me at least) for thinking that the divisiveness can be resolved by neutralizing the “other side.”  But history teaches us this: too many people have tried to do just that, and it’s impossible to achieve.  Nazi Germany is one perfect example.

When it comes to this issue of one-party-rule, most especially in these days, I’d ask all of you to really be honest with yourselves. Is this proposition, which would likely come about if Georgia’s runoff results in both Democrats being elected, acceptable to us as Americans?

Honest Answer

2020 Georgia Runoff Election

We all, especially Georgian voters, need to answer that question honestly.  But before you do, realize how you’re answering.  It’s easy to assume that many aligning themselves with the Democrat party would say “absolutely, yes” while conservatives would say “absolutely, no”.  Those who feel the last four years have been Hell on earth and blame Trump for all the country’s woes and feel all Republicans are evil racists, may certainly believe that one-party Democrat rule is perfectly fine; while those who feel that the Democrats have gone “off the rails” and are pushing this country away from G-d and traditional values, will likely argue against a one-party Democrat rule.

But looking at this issue through our dark sunglasses of our political, social, and religious beliefs, is only going to further the division we’re already experiencing.

We need to do better.

Do Better

We need to strip away all of the extra baggage that we pile on ourselves and makes us fiercely believe in one political persuasion or another.  We must put aside all the attitudes about what’s already happened or presumed to have happened.  As Americans, we need to put aside all the hatred toward any political figure. 

We have to to push the pause button on all the legislative concerns for things like gun control, abortion, police reform, immigration, and so many others that we could list here.  All of us need to take off of all the labels with which we define ourselves: white, black, gay, straight, Christian, Muslim, agnostic, atheist, progressive, liberal, conservative, male, female, and all the others.  We must, for once, look in the mirror and see nothing else but “American.”

Then, with that singular view of “I am an American, and nothing else applies”, and with history as our teacher so we do not repeat the mistakes of the past, I am asking every Georgia voter, indeed, every American, to ask yourself honestly if one-party rule for even two years is acceptable to an American, whose ancestors fought in one way or another, for the freedom and liberty for which America stands and which we as Americans (again forsaking all the other labels), enjoy.

After all the elections are over, and all the wrangling is done, and all the politicians settled into their positions, we will have time to debate the merits of all the other labels we want to apply to ourselves.  But for such a time as this – we must not let one party control everything.

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