Politics,  Religion,  Society

It’s A Brand New Day

The day is nearly done.  One day out of three-hundred-sixty-five (or 366 in a leap year).  However, this day, January 20, 2017, has seen the embarkation of America on a new journey.

Unfortunately for America, we are still divided right now.  We are divided by race, by religion, by sexuality, by lifestyle, by wealth, by political belief.

Best Intentions

But I am one of hundreds of millions who want to see today as a turning point for a new era, one which holds the promise of turning the nation and our society back toward what our Founding Fathers envisioned. Unfortunately, I personally have my reservations.

We’ve all seen the turmoil in America brought on by the election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States.  But make no mistake: the current turmoil is being brought about by those who either want only their kind of change, or are too blind to see that wholesale change is desperately needed.

Over the course of the last 18 months or so, practically the whole world has been barraged by deceit, lies, insinuations and half-truths made out to be truth.  Nowhere have we seen this more prevalent than from the lips (and computers) of the liberals, the extreme left-wing philosophy that seeks to destroy anything and anyone with which they disagree.

The Modern Liberal Mindset

G-d himself spoke of this Satanic mindset – for truly that is what it is – when He told Isaiah:

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who change darkness into light and light into darkness, who change bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter!

Isaiah 5:20

Even Paul spoke of this type of person, when he said in his letter to the Roman Christians:

Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools…

Romans 1:22

Prior to Election Day 2016, there were enough people in America (I am one of them) who had my doubts about how we could reconcile with a Donald Trump as the Republican candidate given his rhetoric at the time which was not entirely traditionally conservative. There were enough clues around for people who wanted to see, that he may embark on a isolationist policy which, while welcomed by the rural and/or less-educated voters, would not in fact be helpful for the country in the modern global economy.

Certainly after Election Day, we’ve seen a regular (though dwindling) supply of so-called “protesters” all ready to snap up a highly-liberal mass media’s manufactured negative spin against Mr Trump.  They’ve been so regularly brainwashed by the leaders of a Satanic liberal philosophy prior to this election campaign, that by now they are all too eager to believe whatever is told them without questioning any of its validity – or potential lack thereof.

I call these people the “headline cult”, since they appear to only understand enough of an issue that will fit on a headline or a news crawler at the bottom of the CNN screen. However, they appear to truly believe that a few words of an issue is all they need to understand.  I honestly think that if the media reported that Trump had a female-to-male sex change operation in 1972, they’d believe it and chant against him for “denying his trans-sexuality.”


a brand new day

Yet today, those few hundred “snowflakes” who were seen on everything from national news to YouTube videos bawling and curling in fetal positions on Election night because Hillary Clinton miserably lost the election, were seen running through the downtown streets of Washington DC, setting fires, smashing store windows, beating people up, and making a general nuisance of themselves.  I suppose they don’t think that what they have done is “evil”, as evidenced by one Twitter post:

Evan Greer@evan_greer 3 hours ago

Property destruction is not violence. Standing idly by complaining about protesters while fascism takes hold is violence. #disruptj20

I suppose Evan’s parents never taught her/him/whatever (a simple check of the Twitter bio reveals Evan is “she/her/they genderqueer”) to respect others and other’s property… let alone the definition of “violence.”

Just Like Krystallnacht

But that way of thinking isn’t just Evan’s.  It can be hung on every so-called “protester”.  They believe that because they didn’t get their way on Election Day, that gives them the right to do what society calls evil and criminal acts, and con themselves into believing that they are doing something good. They destroy and smash, just like on Krystallnacht, doing evil deed because they think it’s good.

BUT… that’s not what G-d says.

Why not say… “Let us do evil that good may result”? Their condemnation is deserved.

Romans 3:8

In other words, these so-called “protesters” are committing violent acts an a clear example of their belief that “the end justifies the means.”  They seem to forget that Hitler ascribed to that philosophy as well.

So, some will say I’m calling all the little snowflakes “Hitlers.”  Well, if the shoe fits…

I recently got briefly embroiled in an argument on Facebook with someone who was so incensed that a friend of mine posted a meme calling out the snowflakes for their toddler-like temper tantrums across the country.  This person (not a friend) argued effectively that the world will be coming to an end because of Trump’s ascension to the White House, and that for one thing, the “rights” of LGBT’s “will be curtailed.”  She even brought out a quote from a famous president – and Democrat (go figure) – Franklin D. Roosevelt, who said in part, “it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him…” referring to the person of the President of the United States.

Certainly, telling the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, is one thing.  But, deliberately lying about someone, and spreading lies, in order to further a godless and amoral philosophy, is quite another.

The Godless Left

And this is precisely what we’ve seen from the leaders of the Democrat party, from Obama, to Clinton, to Podesta, and scores of others.  In their desire for maintaining their power stranglehold over the government of this country, and their greed and lust for money and influence, they’ve spread (and continue to spread) lie after lie regarding anyone who steps up to the plate to support a return to a civil, respectable, moral society.

And no, I’m not claiming that Mr Trump is a wholly moral or Christian person, or some paragon of virtue, because I personally don’t believe that he is. My support is much less for him as a person, and more for the party that has the current potential to bring better and more substantial improvements to the country in terms of individual rights and freedoms including religious freedom, and increased prosperity for the nation. Whether it is realized in the next four years remains to be seen.

Consider that this war by the godless left is bigger than Mr Trump.  He’s just become a current lightning rod for it.  Even before last November, we’ve seen the vitriol from the leftists in many tangible ways; suing bakers for refusing to bake for gay weddings was just the tip of that iceberg.  I could go on and on about tangible ways that people of faith and morals have been pushed around and marginalized, but it’d take way too long to list everything out here. 

But certainly the vomitus from the left that we’ve seen for many years has one purpose: to turn America into a godless, amoral society, where those who fear G-d would ultimately be persecuted, jailed, or destroyed.

Where does that desire come from?  Straight from the pit of Hell.

Pantywaists From Hell

Why else do you think that our nation has become so fractured?  Why else would these kids (and remember I call anyone younger than me a “kid”) think they can run around the streets rioting and destroying and beating up, all in the name of “tolerance” and “love”? 

I’ll speak bluntly: I blame the secularism of society, which has turned our modern parents into pantywaist versions of parental units, thinking it unnecessary or unthinkable to discipline their children. 

It’s the young parents not putting their children’s growth ahead of their own selfish desire to dump their kids with grandma or a babysitter while they go out night after night clubbing, and thinking that the marriage should be all about them, thus making it easy to divorce and ruin their children’s minds forever. 

It’s the frank stupidity of these people sucking into the godless messages coming out of Hollywood for the last 35 years, helping to feed a concept of relativism: that there is no good or evil, there’s no black or white, but just shades of grey.  And once the parents sucked into this Satanic mindset, they force-fed it to their children. 

It’s the belief that you can’t allow your kids to fail, and you have to show them that everyone is a winner, handing out massive amounts of participation trophies. 

It’s society’s general blind-eye approach to our kids’ thought processes, which allows too many of them to devolve into separating themselves from others, isolating themselves in their rooms with their cellphones, and the isolation and inattentiveness on the part of the parents and others allowing the kids to relish in “emo” self-loathing and self-mutilating while listening with jilted ears to My Chemical Romance and other bands so popular with this mentality.

G-d Will Not Be Mocked


Don’t delude yourselves: no one makes a fool of G-d! A person reaps what he sows.

Galatians 6:7

And we have, especially for the past eight years, been reaping what has been sown.  That is why I will never be ashamed to call out liberals when I see them spreading the lies of their leaders who do not care about their so-called “grassroots”, but only maliciously use them for their own gain to keep themselves in power, money, and influence.

The Average Joe

But that day is over.  What some on the left had feared has come to pass: the “average Joe” American, sick and tired of being pushed around, called bigot, racist, or religious zealot by the leaders of the left and their minions, have taken the steps to throw off the chains of that godless, amoral, intolerant, hateful, narrow, philosophy that deceptively calls itself “tolerant”, “loving”, and “inclusive.” They have chosen the Republican ticket, the conservative course.

So in the end, will Donald Trump be able to show a more respectful side of politics and bring the country into a better state?  Will he be able to deliver on various promises he’s made and unite a deeply divided country, or will he, now that he’s officially in office, degenerate into just another political hack that we’ve seen too much of in recent decades? Worse, will he devolve his administration into an attempt to turn the party away from traditional conservatism?  That remains to be seen.

Called By My Name

But for now, today is a new day.  A time for cutting down that vicious, Satanic crop.  A time to sow a new crop of genuine unity, honesty, morality, and truth; a return to what our Fathers wanted this country to be.  Not because Donald Trump is in office, but because we as Americans need to sow that new crop irrespective of politician or political party in order to survive as a whole nation. It won’t be easy, because the philosophy of Satan is so deeply ingrained.  It will take time; but it is worth it.

How shall we start?  G-d himself gave us the answer, and before anyone says “I’m not called by His name”, allow me to wax Talmudic for a moment and say that if you were born, you were created.  If you were created, you were created by G-d.  And if you were created by G-d (and if you’re here, you were created by G-d), then you ARE “called by His name.”  G-d calls us to repair our nation by the following:

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV

If we all started doing that, then truly we can “Make America Great Again.”

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